About us

Who we are...

The SummerMusicAcademy Hundisburg Castle offers musical diversity at the highest level: It is here that groovy jazz, extraordinary chamber music and rousing classical-romantic orchestral repertoire meet. The special locations at and around Hundisburg Castle give the SummerMusicAcademy its unique atmosphere.

Every year for about ten days, the region around the baroque castle becomes the meeting place for young musicians from many different nations. In the Academy Orchestra of the SMA, they rapidly grow together to form a homogeneous body of sound. The audience joins them in innovative concert formats: In the Lecture Concert, the Walking Concert and the Final Concert in the castle barn, the orchestra and conductor share their musical joy and passion with the audience.

... and what makes us special:

I. Besondere Orte
Schlossscheune, Hauptsaal, Alte Fabrik, Ziegelei... Einzigartige Spielstätten schaffen einzigartige Konzerterlebnisse. Darüber hinaus erkunden wir im Wandelkonzert immer neue Lokalitäten und wollen damit auch bei Menschen, die sonst seltener ins Konzert gehen, Neugier wecken.

II. Die Musiker – jung und exzellent
Die auftretenden Musikerinnen und Musiker sind jung und spielen auf höchstem Niveau. Im Meisterkurs unterrichten junge Meister*innen ihre jüngeren Kolleg*innen, das Orchester besteht aus Studierenden aus der ganzen Welt und die Solisten stehen am Beginn einer großen Karriere.

III. Internationalität
Eine ländliche Region in der Mitte Deutschlands wird zum kulturellen Schmelztiegel des internationalen Musiknachwuchses; sie wird zum Schauplatz von Völkerverständigung.

IV. Nähe zwischen Publikum und Musikern
Ob Wandelkonzert oder Gesprächskonzert – in unkonventionellen Konzertformaten entsteht eine Nähe zwischen den Musizierenden und dem Publikum, die ihresgleichen sucht. Die Menschen im Publikum spüren, dass mit »ihrer SMA« ein Festival für Sie gemacht wird.
Event Series

Master Concert

In 2017, the SMA successfully resumed the masterclass-format. Ever since, a young master teaches upcoming musicians once a year at Castle Hundisburg. The »Meisterkonzert« gives the audience the opportunity to hear a program presented by the teacher of the masterclasses in the academy hall.

Masterclass Podium

In celebration of the 25th jubilee of the SummerMusicAcademy, the masterclass series was reintroduced. The masterclasses culminate in a final performance at the Masterclass Podium, where the participants present the fruits of their labour.

Serenade in the Gardens

All of the Academy’s musicians come together at the Serenade in the Gardens – it is chamber music at its best. This concert is a great indicator of what is yet to come, and the fantastic level of quality audiences can expect of that year’s academy. Come join us to get into the SMA mood at Hundisburg Castle.

Candlelight Concert

In honour of the 25th SummerMusicAcademy, a new musical format was introduced in 2017. In the Candlelight Concert series, audiences can experience music more intensely in the candle-lit main hall of the castle, late in the evening. This breathtaking atmosphere contributes to the performances of several artists blending seamlessly into one musical collage. Everyone is invited to enjoy the beautiful illuminations in the baroque garden after the concert.

Promenade Concert

Travels through space and time – through music history and the venue’s history: Members of the International Academy Orchestra can be found performing in chamber music ensembles across the castle grounds. The audience walks from one performance spot to the next, at each stop receiving an introduction about the history of the place as well as the music. This format allows for the audience, artists, and art to be in close proximity in a beautiful and unique setting. It embodies all of the ideas behind the academy, continuously helping not only the musicians to grow, but also the audiences as well as the region.

The Exceptional Concert

Unparalleled performances, paired with the impressive atmosphere of the venue, combine for one-of-a-kind musical experiences at the Exceptional Concert series.

Lecture Concert

The Lecture Concert series is an opportunity for the audience to meet the newly formed Academy Orchestra and listen to samples of their final performance program. Through the skillful explanations of conductor Johannes Klumpp, the audience is given a greater understanding and appreciation of the music. Join the orchestra on its musical journey to the core of their performance pieces!

Jazz Night Open Air

The Jazz Night Open Air in the yard of the old brick factory adds an unusual and colourful facet to an otherwise classical program of the SommerMusicAcademy. Where bricks are made by hand on a daily basis according to tradition, the sound of jazz reverberates once a year, delighting audiences.

Final Concerts

The Final Concert of the International Academy Orchestra is the undisputed highlight of the SMA. After a week of intense rehearsing, the orchestra presents a musically impressive feat: In a matter of only a few days complete strangers from different backgrounds and cultures all over the world have become friends, have formed a homogenous body of sound, have grown so close that they breathe, feel, and easily perform music together. Witness how bridges are built through music in the uniquely beautiful atmosphere of the castle barn.
Artistic Direction
Since 2023 Friedrich Praetorius (*1996) is Kapellmeister at the Theater Chemnitz and will become “Kapellmeister and Musical Assistant to the GMD” at the Deutsche Oper Berlin from the season 2024/2025. Previously he was engaged as 2nd Kapellmeister at the German National Theatre in Weimar. He is a 1st prize winner several times, both nationally and internationally, including the 10th Conducting Competition for Opera Conductors in Orvieto (Italy), the 11th Conducting Competition of Central-German Universities of Music and the 1st Conducting Competition of the University Almeria (Spain), as well as 2nd Prize winner of the CAMPUS DIRIGIEREN 2022. In 2023 he was nominated to the artist list “Konzertförderung Forum Dirigieren” (formerly “Maestros von Morgen”). Since 2023 Friedrich Praetorius is chief conductor as well as artistic director of the festival “SummerMusicAcademy Hundisburg Castle”. He began his education as a member of the "St. Thomas Boys Choir" and studied with Prof. Nicolás Pasquet and Prof. Ekhart Wycik at the Weimar Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT and with Daniele Agiman at the Conservatorio di Milano GIUSEPPE VERDI. As a guest conductor, Praetorius has worked with orchestras such as the MDR Symphony Orchestra, the Beethoven Orchester Bonn, the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra, the Karajan Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker, the Giuseppe Verdi Symphony Orchestra and the Philharmonic Orchestra Hradec Králové. During of his studies he was able to take on several performances at the German National Theatre Weimar and at the Landestheater Coburg. He was assistant director and had accompainment assignments at the Deutsche Oper Berlin (Schatzgräber, 2022), at the Leipzig Opera (Tannhäuser, 2018) and at the Meininger Theatre (Tosca, 2017). In order to enrich his studies, he attended masterclasses with many conductors, among them Christian Thielemann, Marc Albrecht, Johannes Schlaefli, Gunter Kahlert, Ole Kristian Ruud, Arthur Fagen and Stefan Blunier.
KULTUR-Landschaft Haldensleben-Hundisburg e.V.
The sponsor of the Summer Music Academy is the KULTUR-Landschaft Haldensleben-Hundisburg e.V.

The purpose of the association is to research, repair, maintain and preserve Hundisburg Castle with its baroque garden, the Althaldensleben-Hundisburg Landscape Park as well as parts of the landscape and buildings that are connected to the aforementioned cultural monuments in terms of design and / or content, as well as to put them to primarily cultural use and to present them to the public and make them accessible in a suitable manner.

For this purpose, the association has been in the necessary contractual agreements with the owner, the city of Haldensleben, and the users of the aforementioned cultural monuments since 1995 and carries out the research, monument preservation measures, events and publications necessary to achieve the purpose, as well as all constantly occurring care, management and maintenance measures on the objects within the framework of the resources available to it.

The association strives for the content-related and financial support of its projects by third parties, as well as for the cooperation with suitable partners locally and beyond, as far as this is reasonable for the achievement of the association's purpose.
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